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Prom Sashes


Since Class of 2020 is arranging prom this year, The student representatives had sub-leaders for each responsibility. In this case, I was a sub-leader for sashes and titles. This task requires a lot of collaboration and commitment from the whole group. In which I've learn to become an effective communicator while distributing work to each person. Another factor was that my group wasn't as close to the seniors, therefore, we need to be caring about their feelings and their reputation. After all, I learned that a teamwork really does make things happen on time. 

CAS Learning outcome : 

- Demonstrate the skills and recognise the benefits of working collaboratively.


International Day Parade


The school gathered students and teachers from all age to walk the parade. The spirits and events committee and teachers help prepare flags from all around the world. On this day, representatives of each flag would proudly raise their flags up and walk around the school. Gladly, I was a part of this parade in which I was holding the Canadian flag.  Even-though it is not my own country, but every country is beautiful on its own. Therefore, we shall pay respect and be proud of the outcomes of every country.

IB Learner profile : Open minded to accept other cultures.

CAS Learning Outcome : 

- Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance 

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MC for Teacher's Day


The last day of winter break, there was an emergency. The MC for teacher's day were the seniors, but they had to go interview for the university. Therefore, I took on this responsibility as a risk taker. Some of the consequences were limited time which lead to lack of preparation. However, This experience had taught me to be knowledgable about Thai Culture, and learn that if we think the impossible is possible and engage towards it fully, anything is possible. Thanks to the help of my partner, We were able to present our dialogue confidently. 

CAS Learning Outcome : 

- Demonstrate the skills and recognise the benefits of working collaboratively




This was my first time attending a MUN conference. I was in the ECOSOC committee which include students from different schools that are interested in the same topic. This gave me the opportunity to explore and meet new people. Since the topic was about the Belt and Road initiative, I took a lot of time to process things in different perspectives. Representing Czech Republic, I had to engage more towards their perspective.

IB Learner Profile : communicators due to interacting with people from other international schools, knowledgeable and inquirers because we had to research on a certain topic to raise awareness on what's right and what's wrong. Open minded towards other delegate's perspective, and be principled to create a good reputation for the country.

CAS Learning Outcome:

- Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience. 

- Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance. 


Elevate Basketball Tournament


Joining a new team outside school is a new experience for me. This tournament was the first time we actually met each other, therefore, I had to be reflective and think about my strengths and weaknesses in order to form a strong team. During the game, the team would have to communicate a lot and be fast thinkers due to building up teamwork. This opportunity open me up to new people, new places, and new lessons. 

CAS Learning Outcome :

- Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

-Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process


MC for LoyKrathong

22 November 2018

Loy Krathong is a Thai traditional festival that existed since Sukkhothai period. This was the first time in my life, in being an MC. Being an MC for this festival allow me to be knowledgeable and inquiring for the Loy Krathong's history. This gave an opportunity for me to take risks due to getting out of my comfort zone.

CAS Learning Outcome :

- Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in process.


International Day Booth


This year, class of 2020 chose Spain as our country. Which we picked the festival "La Tomatina", therefore, the price that the kids get from playing the game is a tomato juice. While making these games, we had to inquire the traditional festivals, games, and routines of Spain. Then, be open-minded towards the targeted customers. Since they're kids, we would have to catch their attention by creating temptation, which is how it lead up to the creation of the game. Thanks to the cooperation of the whole class, which enable us to present an attractive booth with exciting games.

CAS Learning Outcome:

- Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

-Demonstrate the skills and recognise the benefits of working collaboratively


Vietnam Volleyball Tournament

15-18 November 2018

This is the first year joining the ASAC league, which open us up to new teams from different countries. We came first in this ASAC tournament, giving us the title 'Champions'. This is the first trophy we got throughout the whole season. One of the reasons we earned this trophy was because we were able to reflect and think fast. Once we made a mistake on the footsteps, we made up to it by using other parts of our body. Another main component of Volleyball is having effective communication during the game. This help us guide each other into the right positions.

CAS Learning Outcome:

-Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

-Demonstrate the skills and recognise the benefits of working collaboratively


Local Donation 


During the New year eve's, my family decided to donate milk, supplies and money to the people with down syndrome. We should all be aware of the people in our society and help them as much as we can. In order to make the country better, we have to start with these small changes. Instead of being greedy and keeping all of your things, you should consider the ones that you barely use and give it to the people who are in need. 

IB Learner Profile :

Caring, Knowledgable, and Reflective about our society

CAS Learning Outcome:

- Recognise and consider the ethics of choices and actions

- Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance


Songkran Backdrop


There was an ungraded task that was requested during Thai Language class. Class of 2020 Thai students were responsible of the backdrop of Songkran festival. This requires us to inquire the main themes and be knowledgable about the culture itself. After the reasearch, we were open minded towards each other's ideas on how the backdrop should look like. Finally, with the help of communication, we were able to distribute a big task into little bits and accomplish it on time.


CAS Learning Outcome :

- Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

-Demonstrate the skills and recognise the benefits of working collaboratively 



28 October 2018

My Family and friends attended the HIV Run that occured in October. Two of the main reasons were to raise awareness of HIV, and to encourage my family to exercise. This experience allow me to spend more time and love with my family, create more memories with the special ones. Which made me to think in the perspective of the people with HIV. Before committing an action we should always compare our reasons and thoughts to justify the ethical choices. 

IB Learner Profile

Principled and Caring, because we're trying to raise awareness for the society to see value in safety over temptations, lives over materials, and reasons over emotions. 

CAS Learning Outcome:

-Recognise and consider the ethics of choices and actions

-Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance


Mercy Center


This was such a great opportunity for me, I am very honoured that I have experienced being in the Mercy Center. We reached the Mercy Center in the morning, around christmas time, bringing in gifts fully wrapped. Being able to give things and see the smile on their face is truly the best thing. We got the chance to spend time with the kids by doing different activities. For instance, colouring, skipping, singing, football, and thai games. 

IB Learner Profile

Caring and Reflective, because everyone deserves a chance to live till their fullest. We shouldn't take things for granted. Therefore, I reflected upon myself that, to give values more than to take. 

CAS Learning Outcome:

-Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance


WIS Volleyball IG Account


Corey, Cassie, Ryo and I decided to create this Instagram page because we wanted to give the opportunity for other people to keep up with the school activities. Another reason is that volleyball is one of the main sports in school that help gained a lot of trophies, therefore, we would want Wells Students to be proud of this sport by gaining a lot of followers. 

IB Learner Profile : Caring, Knowledgeable, Reflective since all the admins are all in the volleyball team.

CAS Learning Outcome:

-Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences



28-30 March 2019

I had this opportunity to attend to Trisports this year. It had really open me up in different ways. Before, I never ever liked football. But after being forced to play due to limited amount of players, at the end of the day, I really enjoyed playing football and might even consider joining the team next year. On the other hand, basketball is my favourite sport, but after viewing it from different perspectives, I reflected that it would be better to end my basketball journey this year. 

IB Learner Profile:

Balanced and Principled because I need to take the extracurricular activities off my plate due to the IB exams.

Open-minded to new sports and new perspectives.

CAS Learning Outcome :

- Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process


Jenesis Donation


Being apart of the Jenesis Donation means a lot to me. There are many people out there in Thailand that deserves the life style we have in our daily basis. This organisation, goes around Thailand and provide this opportunity to them in their environment. In my perspective, I feel like people should be more concern about their daily actions, instead of judging and spending money on waste, we should consider and donate it to the people who needs help. 

IB Learner Profile

: Reflective and Caring about the society in Thailand

CAS Learning Outcome:

- Recognise and consider the ethics of choices and actions

- Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

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