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Unicorn Cupcake

WWW week -2019 June

We had the opportunity to try and explore new activities during wells without walls week. Personally I am not the type of person who knows how to cook or bake.  Adding on, I am not an artistic person, in which I find it hard to be creative. This activity gave me the opportunity to get out of my comfort zone and try to make a unicorn on the cupcake. Which is a new challenge I have taken as a risk taker

CAS Learning Outcome:

-Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process



Summer June-July 2019

Being in Hawaii for 6 weeks gave us the opportunity to explore the beauty of Honolulu. We went on various hikes, one of my favorite is lanikai pillbox hike. On this hike we had to get up early in the morning before sunrise so that we could watch the sunrise while hiking which was a challenge. Instead, we were a little late, so by the time we got there the sun was already up. However, it started raining, which made us see the full rainbow from above. I've been hiking often since I went to Hawaii two years in a row, which was a new challenge that I am willing to continue. 

CAS Learning Outcome :

-Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth.


Hubs for Change


Hubs for change is a movement that had been introduced in many internal schools over the world. Wells was one of the schools that acknowledge the need of giving equality in society. I was really passionate about gender equality and changing people's negative perspective about certain things in the opposite gender. Therefore, I took part in it and interviewed a male junior through facebook messenger in an informal way to know their true intentions. The male junior response gave a wider perspective that not all men view period as a disgusting thing

CAS Learning Outcome : Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

:Recognise and consider the ethics of choices and actions


Ted-Ed Booth

11 Oct 2019

Every year in international day Class of 2020 would have a booth of their own. However, this year I had the chance to make my own booth for Ted-Ed club. We came up with different games to raise awareness for education and the Ted themes. We did this by giving prizes to winner for themed charades game and scramble. With the effective communication in the group, this project was a success and we were able to raise awareness for this club in the school. 


CAS Learning Outcome : Recognise and consider the ethics of choices and actions


Volleyball Camp

Summer June-July 2019

This was my second time attending the Hawaii Volleyball Camp. It was still very exciting and new for me since the culture there is different from Thailand. We had the chance to meet new people with different ethnicity and nationalities. With effective communication we were able to make a good teamwork within the assigned groups. 

CAS Learning Outcome : Demonstrate the skills and recognise the benefits of working collaboratively


Ted-Ed Book Drive 

November 26 - Dec 4 2019

Since it is Christmas season, it is all about giving and sharing laughters. The Wells Ted-ed Club decided to make a book drive to encourage everyone to donate books in any language and age range. Then we divided the books according to age groups. The adult books are not donated but instead sold to the second hand book store. The money received is then donated to other organisations further on. The books that are appropriate for kids are wrapped in christmas decorations and donated to Mercy Centre. 

CAS Learning Outcome :  Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

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